Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Digital Citizen, otherwise known as a cord cutter

June will be my 1 year anniversary of becoming a "Digital Citizen." An interesting thing happened on the way to becoming a cord cutter, my TV died. I heard a big pop and there I was, in the dark. After a few minutes, I had the big "Aha!" This was the moment I had been waiting for. The nice folks at Directv couldn't understand my excitement as I told them to sever my service of 10 years.

Now my online skill toolbox is robust. I offer real world hand's on experience when I consult my clients for branding, content creation, search behavior, etc. When the screen went dark, I saw the light. I highly recommend it.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Branding with Thumbtack

Branding, Social Networking, PR, Ad Special Forces

Today, I am sharing my branding services through a new website I found called
Part of what I believe is a crucial part of every business is to be both local and global. Thumbtack is networked with google and craigslist. I am curious to see how my social networking, pr, ad special forces are spread with their help.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Everyone has their own package

I was reminded today that there are people that are still fighting against not being able to be right all the time.

I sent my package of my company profile, agreement and so forth for her review and discussion. After reaching out to her as a follow up, I received a reply that she was not going to work with me due to errors, the design of my company profile that didn't please her and what she described as a surprise element in the agreement. Really?

Today, there are many ways to critique and choose your running mates. For this, I am most grateful. My package is not for everyone, because it is packaging me. Her package would never be my package as we are not the same people, business sector or goals.

As for surprises in the agreement, that is an error on her part. I made this agreement to reflect my history in the entertainment, advertising, marketing, pr business and business in general. Again, this is my agreement and I can craft it as I choose as long as I am not breaking any laws. This, my attorney confirms, I am in the clear.

The best part of this rejection is that over the time it took her to find fault, I have had so much new business pour in that I can say I am pleased to be busy. We are not meant to work with everyone.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Platforms, Channels, Distribution, Oh My!

I have been in a deep study of all things digital. Not alone I am certain.
There is so much to absorb about how delivery is constantly reshuffled as the "toys" beget new "toys." Now I am designing sites that have to please not only 50% of the computers on the planet, but also mobile access and now tablets.

I am such a visual consumer and I would like to dwell more often in the "pretty." Yet, I have disciplined myself to be driven by data. Data is our best friend as long as it is localized and accurate. Social Networking gives us the catbird seat on confirming the accuracy.

I have crafted a new definition of the infernal use of "ROI."
I now call it "Running On Intelligence."
We all have such access like never before to localized Intelligence. As you can see, I am a big fan of meeting the consumer where they live, online, at home and work. With the increase of mobile, tracking satellite tower pings will be essential to qualify analysis. GPS and Foursquare are only the beginning of our tether.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

There is no Christian discount from my shop.

I do things for free when I want to.
Sometimes even when I am running on fumes.
Now that is what I call faith.

You know who you are, you are just a face in the crowd. You represent all of those, of our flock that are willing to exclude themselves, magically in your head that you are somehow exempt from paying for that which is what the real work is about.

I don't do things for free when "You" want something for nothing.
The day I see a Christian Business offer me a contract with real world $ attached to it will be the day, I go to be with the Lord. I would rather fight tooth and nail to earn a living in the "World" than get a song and dance from a Sister or Brother in Christ. They know better and its shameful that they are oblivious to it, time and time again.

I do good work, I do great work.
Please pay for good work, work that is necessary and will keep you competitive.

Praise be to God, I can take care of myself. I owe Him for the "spirited" way that I look at life. He kept me breathing here for a reason and I will be kicking the Truth in our brethren's face all the way to my final rest.
I will Brand, until I can Brand no more.
Next stop, Heaven!

A Social Networking "NOT"

I received a solicitation today from Lookville, an invite only Fashion Social Networking site.

They said that they liked my blog design and content.
1. As you can see my blog has NO DESIGN.

Please do not fall victim of hiring a staff and interns that just goes blindly through the internet and blogger contacting people that do not align with your brand. This is the #1 Social Networking Mismanagement problem today. You might as well just throw your start-up money out the window.

Social Networking has to be based on a specific long tail strategic plan. Everyone you have on your team has to be awake, aware and not bored.

I also googled Lookville and have read negative after terrible after awful reviews about the lame tactics being deployed. Yes, Beta is Beta for a reason. That is a way to make mistakes and fix them, but the errors that are being made are those of a naive uneducated folly. No, this is not a business here, this is a Hobby Accident in Progress.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Are you a Business or are you a Prostitute?

I actually said that to a colleague the other day when discussing a potential client! In all the years working in the B2B sector, I am still amazed when I encounter so many people that call themselves entrepreneurs and when in reality they are scared to death. Scared to actually sell what God gave them. Those amazing talents and skills that makes them unique and to take a stand in front of everyone to say, "Yes, I am a Brand."

"What happens when I do all this stuff and spend the money and nothing happens?" Well, if you are asking that question, you are not ready to work with me and you are still to afraid to work for yourself. Get out of your own way!

Both of these thoughts have the same thing in common, FEAR! I died 5 years ago from Stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma and yet I am still here to inspire clients to get out of their own way. The best thing about a "near death" experience is that you don't care any more what people think or really what they are afraid of for themselves. I don't advocate having a near death experience to get over your fears, I just think that its a good thing to get out of your own way and get on with what you are here to do. Thank God, I had that happen to me and now I can help you. That is if you want help.

Holiday Worldwide is officially a "No Fear Zone." We take calculated and educated risks. All of our guidance is documented and based on precedent, with our own clients or from diligent research.